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Oct. 16th, 2011


First secret post!

Feel free to comment on the secrets, but you must do so ICly! Also, to talk about a specific secret, just use the number beside it.

This a-way! )


Going on hiatus. The limit is two weeks, I believe, according to the rules. Severus, Arthur and Draco will return in two weeks.

Oct. 12th, 2011


First ever...

Submit your secret post!

Do so anonymously so even I have no idea who's posting them. Every comment will be screened.

On Oct. 16th, I'll post all the secrets up onto the OOC board.

There aren't any limits to how many secrets a character can post. Please don't make them so huge that they eat up the entire area. Other than that, sky's the limit!

Oct. 4th, 2011


Dear Miss Astoria Greengrass )

Sep. 27th, 2011


Okay. I'm back. First, thanks for all the well wishes and the like. You guys truly are amazing. <3

Give me a day or so to catch up. In the mean time if anyone wants to plot. Well, that'd be awesome too.

Sep. 22nd, 2011


Okay guys, I know this is sudden but I'll be on a hiatus for the majority of the weekend and possibly Monday too. A close family friend died today and between the services and just helping out, I'll be busy. I'll catch yo with you all in a few days. <3

Sep. 15th, 2011



I'm Asia, whose chipperness to AM-Time ratio is way off. I should not be this cheerful at 6 in the morning. Really no one should. It's unnatural.

I apologize in advance at how bad at intros I am. Here's a gif of Astoria to distract you from how terrible this is.

Things About This Btch Here You Should Know
-Currently in her last year at Hogwarts. She's head girl.
-Wants a Ministry job like Kanye wants to be Jesus.
-Kinda has daddy issues AND SHE DUN WANNA TALK ABOUT THEM
-Is the sweetest most cheerful person you will ever meet when she's in a good mood and a nightmare when she's in a bad one.
-She draws. will frequently use illustrations to make her point (this is mostly because Asia just bought a tablet and wants a reason to use it).

The full version of her info is over here. I now take a break from my attempt to act like an adult to say I AM SO EXCITED!!!!111

Sep. 13th, 2011


Hiatus post.. sort of

All of my lot and I will be going back to Uni this Sunday, so I am sticking this post up to say that we may not be as active as usual. (Granted I haven't been brill lately)

I will be settling into a new flat and a new time table for my course. I will still be around, but my studies come first so I will likely have a lot of work/reading to do for each subject, but I will try and be as active as possible.

Once I have settled in, I should get back to normal. xx

ps.. this affects Oliver Wood, Lily Potter, Katie Bell and Molly Weasley.

Sep. 12th, 2011


Hiatus Alert

Me, Fred, Flint, Ced and Oz are all going to be in Rhodes on holiday from 24 September - 2 October

Being in a different country, I doubt I will have net access. Which is why I am being nice and giving you all fair warning.

If there is plot I need to be aware of during this time, comment here and we'll see what we can do.


Severus Snape, timeline of important events until recent. )

Sep. 11th, 2011


Hi guys! Just a heads up. Arthur might not be himself for the next couple of weeks, and likely won't be home anytime soon...

Sep. 9th, 2011


This game is going to eat up all my free time and take my soul. But I think that's okay.

I bring to you the very super awesome with great hair (like, almost as good as his father's hair) wonderful, fantastic, special and very cute Draco Malfoy.

..He made me write that.

Again, I say, give to me all your plots! ^_^

Sep. 5th, 2011


Hello all! Vee again!

This time I'll be trying out my brand new Gryffindor. I heard he gets at least 300 miles to the gallon, not counting highway miles.

Even though Neville hasn't killed any snakes in this rpg, not yet anyway he's still wanting to get involved in whatever he can. I did change his history a bit to make it comparable to canon while keeping it in flux with this rpg. So feel free to have a look if you'd like.

Neville's still a bit introverted, especially around Slytherins, and while he isn't looking to get inducted into the Order yet - he doesn't think he's good enough - he still wants to try and fight the good fight.

Other than that, I can't wait to get involved with all of you!

Sep. 3rd, 2011


I've been thinking about this for awhile and I think I'm going to have to step down. I love the game I'm just too busy with RL at the moment unfortunately, especially with my end of year exams quickly approaching.

Aug. 26th, 2011


So, I've been MIA. Fail. I know. I still have a plethora of doctors appointments while they try to figure out why I've been sick but lets not talk about that. It's irritating to be suck with so many needles over and over and well, you get the picture. Lets talk plot... That would make me happy. I know I missed some while I was sick so lets start over:

Alli: DE, haughty, supercilious, just a flat out snobby "thinks she's better than you" brat. She's looking for people to harass or just plain bug in threads and journals. I am sure there's more people out there other than Oz she can accuse of being a phoenix. She might want to do a stalker-ish type thread to. Volunteers? Alli needs to prove she can be a good DE and do whatever is asked or expected of her. That and she might just find it a little fun. No lie.

Fleur: Triwizard champion, a bit brassy at times, impatient, and honestly she's just a little lost with the whole British culture but she's trying. She really just needs friends, people to show her around, and well she might be a Phoenix working inside the DE sympathetic or at least run Ministry. While Alli is all work work work, Fleur is more of my lets have fun and be a little crazy kiddie. She'll try anything once but she'll put you in line if she feels you need to. She's a pretty loyal friend once she gets to know you.

Out come the evil but totally exciting plot bunnies... Any how you can comment me here, email me at, or get me on AIM at SakuraFlower18. I do <3 you all!

Aug. 23rd, 2011


If you got some little secret you want Alli to out of your kiddie you can let me know. It was mainly because she wants to harass Oz because she thinks he is a Phoenix. Though, we mine as well have a bit of fun with Alli's bag of secrets^^


I just realised, I haven't introduced Cedric here to anyone yet.

So here he is!

Impossibly polite, good looking, hard working, down to earth, Hogwarts' Tri-Wizard Champion (and Winner), Hit Wizard and all round likeable person. Give him love and plots - please and thank you.

Aug. 20th, 2011


To everyone else, I apologize...

I just wanted to say...


To one Severus Snape for finally getting in the last word!

For completing this monumental feat, I have thrown you a parade!

Pics behind cut )


Okay, I know I haven't been around all that much the past 3 weeks. Believe me it sucks having a pneumonia and bronchitis (first time I've had either). They make you super tired and blah.

Any how, I'm back and both Fleur and Alli need things to do. So if you want to plot, lets plot! Alli wants someone to stalk and do DE-ish stuff to b/c she's evil. Fleur is up for anything.

<3 to all.

Aug. 19th, 2011


Oooh right. I dunno if I need to introduce myself again here, because I'm already playing Severus @ [info]alchemynmisery. HOWEVER. That said, I'm still me [info]tcregan, and I really look forward to playing with more of you as Arthur, as Severus is currently being a bit of a porcupine and let's face it, he's not very social. What I'm looking for are Weasley kids! And Molly! And Ministry officials Artie can hang out with maybe at and also after work! And super secret Order meetings!

Send to me all your plots! And muggle toys. Especially if they have batteries. Can never have enough batteries.

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